How To Choose The Best Mortgage Loan Originator Course

To be a mortgage loan originator, you must first get a license to practice. One of the key components and eligibility norms for an MLO license is to go through a mortgage loan originator licensing course.

This post will take you through the various aspects of choosing the best mortgage loan originator course so that you can crack the SAFE test (mortgage licensing exam) on the first try.

Click here to learn more about the best mortgage loan originator course.

Before going into how to choose the best mortgage loan originator course, let us understand what this course consists of.

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There are two sections, the national and the state-specific ones. The national section is of 20 hours duration and covers the mortgage industry laws and regulations that are common to all states in the country. The other is the 2-hour state-specific section that includes the principles and best practices relevant to each state only.

To choose the best mortgage loan originator course, select one that is on the approved list of NMLS. Not only are you assured of quality study materials but any course outside this list will not be counted as a qualifying educational norm to appear for the licensing exam.

Next, look for online pre-licensing courses as they offer the convenience of flexible study hours. Just download the course on any Internet-enabled device and you can study from anywhere and at any time.

One of the best mortgage loan originator courses in most states in the USA is offered by RealEstateU. Their courses are designed by top professionals in the field yet very affordable too. Take the help of their study guides and test prep that simulate the structure of the questions in the SAFE test.


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